SBCSS July Picnic 2024

There will be no July meeting but we will have our annual July Picnic again this year! Please RSVP using the link below by July 8th. If you signed up at the June meeting we already have your name on the list.

Where: Tucker’s Grove Park Area 1 (4800 Cathedral Oaks Rd Santa Barbara, CA 93111)

When: Saturday, July 13th, 11:30am

Questions? Contact us at:

The club will be providing tri-tip and BBQ chicken. Please bring an item to share for 6-8 people. If your LAST NAME begins with:

A-E: bring beverages (beer and wine allowed)

F-L: bring a dessert

M-T: bring a side dish

U-Z: bring a salad

New Meeting Location and Dates

We are switching meeting locations back Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (909 N La Cumbre Road). All future meetings will be held there on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

2024 Meeting dates through the end of the year:

  • April 17th
  • May 15th
  • June 19th
  • July Picnic – Saturday
  • August 21th
  • September 18th
  • October 16th
  • November 20th
  • December 18th

SBCSS Volunteer Opportunities

SBCSS is seeking volunteers to assist with club business. Our club cannot function without the help of our volunteer-run board, plant sale, and garden tour committees. Please consider volunteering your time to help our community organization. Help spread the word with your friends and family!

We are seeking volunteers for the following positions:

Raffle Caller Team (3-4 people)- Attends monthly SBCSS meetings and calls raffle tickets at the end of the meeting.

A/V Coordinator – sets up laptop, projector, and microphone/speaker at each monthly meeting. Troubleshoots technical difficulties and stores A/V equipment between meetings.

Garden Tour Committee (2-3 people) – works with the SBCSS President to plant 2-3 garden tours per year. Identifies and contacts community members to host tours. Writes tour descriptions for the SBCSS newsletter.

Plant Show and Sale Committee (4-5 people) – works with the SBCSS President to plan the annual show and sale and buying trip. Oversees volunteers and coordinates the show area, silent auction, and outside vendors.

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering please contact Anna Bower at for more information.


The SBCSS has a rather extensive collection of cactus and succulent related books and journals. To view a complete list of our library holdings, click here.

For members wanting to reserve a book or journal, please send an email that includes the book#, title and author to