
Meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of every month!

Doors open for the meeting at 7:00pm and the program starts at 7:30pm at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Each month we host a featured speaker and raffle a wide variety of plants.  If you have extra plants or pots at home please bring them in to share on the raffle or free plant tables. Members are encouraged to bring in plant specimens for the show-and-tell table.

Our meetings are open to the public. Help to set-up and clean-up are most appreciated.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is located at 909 N. La Cumbre Road, on the corner of Foothill Road (Hwy 192) and La Cumbre Road. Click here for a map.


Annual dues

Individuals $20, Dual/Family $25, Student (High School or College): $10

Dues are for the calendar year (Jan 1 – Dec 31) and may be paid by check payable to “SBCSS”.

Benefits include a monthly newsletter, monthly meetings, library privileges, one free plant per membership at our July picnic, and participation in the annual Grow-Off contest. 

For more information download our membership brochure or send an email to


Our mission is to provide opportunities for fellowship and exchange of information among persons sharing an interest in succulents; to encourage, promote and support all aspects of the responsible collection, culture, study and conservation of succulent plants; and to provide opportunities for the exchange and exhibition of succulent plants.

The Santa Barbara Cactus & Succulent Society was established in 1976 and is an affiliate member of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America.

Become a SBCSS Member!

Visit us on Facebook and Instagram

Blue Glow agave

What’s New?

New Meeting Location and Dates

We are switching meeting locations back Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (909 N La Cumbre Road). All future meetings will be held there on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. 2024 Meeting dates through the end of the year: